Sanmateo Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How do you get rid of sensitivity in your teeth?

You may have sensitive teeth if eating ice cream or drinking hot beverages makes you scream.

Sweet, hot, sour, or cold foods and beverages trigger tooth sensitivity, resulting in discomfort in one or more teeth.

The symptoms include mild to severe pain that happens suddenly and creates a sharp sensation that reaches the tooth’s nerve ends, making the situation very uncomfortable. But not to worry if you suffer from teeth sensitivity because many adults, including children, also go through the same.

There are various preventive measures and dental care habits that can help you get rid of sensitive teeth. So, in this article, we will give you a brief knowledge of the same topic!

What is the reason for tooth sensitivity?

A tooth’s root is protected by gum tissues. Teeth start to recede when their underlying layers, called dentin, are exposed, and when it happens, it makes the teeth sensitive and weak.

There are tubules inside the roots of teeth that connect to the pulp, which is where the nerves are located. A tooth’s nerves are stimulated and cause pain when hot, cold, sweet, or sour sensations reach these tubules.

Other factors can also contribute to a sensitive mouth besides gum recession. If you use a hard-bristled toothbrush or brush too hard, you could wear down the tooth enamel, exposing the dentin, which causes a sensitive tooth. 

Additionally, teeth can become sensitive from gum line decay in many patients. Moreover, gum disease can also cause tooth sensitivity because of inflamed, sore, and exposed roots. Apart from gum diseases and decay, grinding and clenching can also expose your teeth’s dentin and make them more sensitive to cold or hot foods.

Lastly, you should always use good quality oral care products because products like mouthwash or tooth whiteners may contribute to oral health problems and sensitive teeth. 

Some tips for dealing with sensitive teeth

Getting rid of sensitivity is not a task; there are multiple solutions available for the same. And fortunately, they are effortless to follow: 

  • Use a toothpaste that targets this issue: When treating tooth sensitivity, toothpaste that is specifically formulated for the same purpose may be helpful. The components in these kinds of toothpaste temporarily fill tiny holes in your dentin and enamel. By doing so, you minimize the amount of exposure your teeth’s sensitive nerves receive.
  • Use a soft toothbrush: Switching out your toothbrush is one easy way to reduce sensitivity. Stiff bristled toothbrushes could worsen your condition.  Hard bristles and toothpaste that is abrasive wear down the enamel, thus causing additional microscopic holes and ultimately increasing sensitivity. Additionally, they can cause dentin and sensitive nerves to be exposed due to gum recession.  To protect your teeth’s surface and to maintain gum health, use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Wear a night guard: Grinding your teeth while you sleep can cause sensitive teeth. The condition is known as bruxism. In this case, your dentist can make you a custom mouth guard that fits over your teeth that can be worn at night. Nighttime grinding can damage teeth and cause pressure that this guard protects against.
  • Use salt water for mouthwash: Salt water can be used to make mouthwash that can help you get rid of sensitive teeth. In the mouth, saltwater creates an alkaline environment in which bacteria cannot grow, thereby which also reduces the growth of bacteria. Plaque is also reduced as a result of this process. It is simple to make saltwater rinses. You just have to add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water. Until sensitivity improves, use this rinse morning and night.

Lastly, apart from these common tips mentioned above, you must visit your dentist if the problem is unbearable and you are unable to eat or chew food properly due to tooth sensitivity.