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Common Misconceptions About Orthodontic Treatment

We all know that when we have a tooth issue we need to go to a dentist but not all of us know what happens at an orthodontist’s office. In general, we understand that when you want to straighten your teeth and get a perfect smile, you get orthodontic treatment done. But there is a lack of complete information on the orthodontic aspect which has led to a lot of myths and misconceptions about this term.

Many of us feel that orthodontists perform the same procedures as dentists or that straightening teeth is the only thing an orthodontist treats. Firstly, both professions i.e., dentists and orthodontists, begin with medical school, but orthodontists go on to specialize in correcting alignment and bite issues. Orthodontists typically complete extra two to three years of specialized training.

With this background about what an orthodontic treatment can look like, we would like to bust some of the myths surrounding odontology.

Common Myths Associated With Orthodontic Procedures

With the advancement in dental techniques and technology, orthodontics in the present age looks remarkably different from what it looked like ten years back. The dental orthopedics procedures of the modern day are much more comfortable, less painful, more convenient, and highly effective. So let us clear some of the misconceptions which people have believed in for ages:

  • Orthodontia works only on young patients – People of all ages now are benefiting from orthodontic treatments. It is true that in teenagers and younger people, the results are achieved faster than in adults but even those in their thirties and forties can get their crooked or misaligned teeth corrected through experienced orthodontists.
  • Odontology treatment is all cosmetics – An orthodontic treatment treats various issues than just crooked or misaligned teeth. The most obvious result of these procedures is an improved look but the proper alignment of teeth and jaw also entails improved functioning, for instance, chewing, biting, and speaking. So, you get dual benefits from a single procedure. Well-aligned teeth give you a beautiful smile and set the stage for patients’ overall well-being. People do not realize that orthodontia has a large role to play in oral healthcare. Orthodontics is beneficial in treating other health-related issues ranging from breathing, headaches, sleeping, posture, attention, and musculoskeletal pain issues.
  • You only get metal braces from an orthodontist – Orthodontists have focussed and studied for years on the movement of teeth which makes them highly qualified in providing all sorts of tools available to give the best possible oral care to their patients. So, apart from metal braces, orthodontic treatment could also involve clear aligners (Invisalign) and other appliances that can move teeth (either fixed or removable.) 
  • You need an odontology procedure to just fix crooked teeth – You might not notice some of the teeth alignment issues as they could be very subtle. Orthodontists are equipped to treat jaw alignment problems as well as to improve your oral health.
  • You get a lot of tooth pain during orthodontic treatment – The era of painful teeth during an odontology procedure (up to the 90s) is long over when you only had steel wire to move teeth that were bent in complicated ways. It used to result in lots of pain for three days after every tightening of the wires. Now orthodontists use copper NiTi and smart wires which are not as rigid as steel wires.
  • You can not wear braces if you play sports – With earlier metallic braces, one could hurt their lips while playing any sports. But with clear aligners in the market, this risk is completely eradicated since Invisalign is removable aligners. So, you can take them off while playing sports, eating your favorite foods, or attending functions.
  • Orthodontic treatments take a long time to finish – This is not a blanket statement that applies to everyone who goes for any type of orthodontia. Each of us is different, with varying degrees of teeth alignment issues. If you have minor alignment issues, you could finish the treatment in as less as six months. If a case is complicated, it could take anywhere between twelve to eighteen months. Your doctor can give you an estimate of how long your specific case would take.
  • Odontology procedure is done only on permanent teeth – Parents with younger kids usually think that unless their child has got all permanent teeth, orthodontic treatment is not possible. But on the contrary, the best time to get the procedure done is during a child’s growth phase which could be as early as four or five years. This allows the child to develop to his or her maximum potential.
  • Metal braces could be an issue at the airport – People feel that the metal detectors might set off if they wear metal braces. But the metal used in the braces is too light to trigger any alarm.
  • Do not get braces if you are moving out of a place in two years – It is possible to continue your treatment with a different orthodontist provided your previous one gives you all the records. In today’s digital era, with just one click, all your radiographs, photographs, and digital plaster models are transferred to the next orthodontist.
  • We specifically need to see an orthodontist for orthodontia – Earlier, people would go only to an orthodontist to treat misaligned teeth but nowadays, dentists who are specially trained and have proper equipment can also provide effective and safe orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontic treatment offers much more than just cosmetic benefits, and it can be done at any age. Many age-old myths have clouded people’s minds about these procedures, and we hope we have been able to clarify most of them in this article.